В прошлой статье мы создали генератор условных NFT на языке python, в целом можно было бы закончить, но хотелось бы немного улучшить наш результат и сделать наши NFT анимированными.
Добавим новые переменные для настройки нашего генератора:
from PIL import Image
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import math
#sizes in
in_w, in_h = (500,500)
#sizes out
out_w, out_h = (500,500)
#sizes block
b_w, b_h = (500,50)
#gif settings
gif = 1
gif_duration = 500
gif_optimisation = True
collage_w, collage_h = (4,2)
#how many images uses in procces generate
use_src_images = 10
src_images = list()
path_images = list()
images = list()
def getFixBoxSize(a, b):
for i in range(0, b+1)[::-1]:
if a % i == 0:
return i
Немного пояснений про добавленные переменные:
# Кол-во кадров в нашей будущей gif
gif = 10
# Пауза между переходами
gif_duration = 500
# Оптимизация gif от библиотеки pillow
gif_optimisation = True
# Мозаика из gif (колонки, строки)
collage_w, collage_h = (4,2)
И изменим наш основной код на следующий вид:
if gif > 1:
finally_image_list = list()
for c in range(0, gif):
# Get imagesimg
tmp_images = os.listdir('./img')
# Shuffle images in the list
tmp_images = sorted(tmp_images, key=lambda A: random.random())
# Save fixed count images
if len(tmp_images) >= use_src_images:
path_images = [tmp_images[x] for x in range(0, use_src_images)]
# Load images to buffer
for img in path_images:
images.append(Image.open(f"./img/{img}").resize((in_w, in_h)))
combimosaic = Image.new("RGB", (out_w * collage_w, out_h * collage_h), tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)))
if collage_w > 0 and collage_h > 0:
for c_row in range(0, collage_h):
for c_col in range(0, collage_w):
mosaic = Image.new("RGB", (in_w, in_h), tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)))
print(f"Source Images: " + ", ".join(path_images))
print("Method generation: VERTICAL")
print(f"In size image: {in_w}x{in_h}")
print(f"Out size image: {out_w}x{out_h}")
print(f"SET Block size: {b_w}x{b_h}")
b_w = getFixBoxSize(in_w, b_w)
b_h = getFixBoxSize(in_h, b_h)
print(f"FIX Block size: {b_w}x{b_h}")
# calculate how many parts need
cols, rows = (math.ceil(in_w / b_w),math.ceil(in_h / b_h))
print(f"ROWS: {rows}")
print(f"COLS: {cols}")
block_lines = [sorted([x2 for x2 in range(0,cols)], key=lambda A: random.random()) for x in range(0,rows)]
print(" M A T R I X")
print('\n'.join(str(x) for x in block_lines))
for row in range(0, rows):
for col in range(0, cols):
rand = random.randrange(0, len(images))
num = block_lines[row].pop(0)
quad = (b_w * num, b_h * row, b_w * num + b_w, b_h * row + b_h)
quadimg = images[rand].crop(quad)
mosaic.paste(quadimg, (b_w * num, b_h * row, b_w * num + b_w, b_h * row + b_h), quadimg)
fragment = mosaic.resize((out_w, out_h))
fragmentimg = fragment.crop((0,0,out_w,out_h))
combimosaic.paste(fragmentimg, (out_w * c_col, out_h * c_row, out_w * c_col + out_w, out_h * c_row + out_h))
mosaic = Image.new("RGB", (in_w, in_h), tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)))
print(f"Source Images: " + ", ".join(path_images))
print("Method generation: VERTICAL")
print(f"In size image: {in_w}x{in_h}")
print(f"Out size image: {out_w}x{out_h}")
print(f"SET Block size: {b_w}x{b_h}")
b_w = getFixBoxSize(in_w, b_w)
b_h = getFixBoxSize(in_h, b_h)
print(f"FIX Block size: {b_w}x{b_h}")
# calculate how many parts need
cols, rows = (math.ceil(in_w / b_w),math.ceil(in_h / b_h))
print(f"ROWS: {rows}")
print(f"COLS: {cols}")
block_lines = [sorted([x2 for x2 in range(0,cols)], key=lambda A: random.random()) for x in range(0,rows)]
print(" M A T R I X")
print('\n'.join(str(x) for x in block_lines))
for row in range(0, rows):
for col in range(0, cols):
rand = random.randrange(0, len(images))
num = block_lines[row].pop(0)
quad = (b_w * num, b_h * row, b_w * num + b_w, b_h * row + b_h)
quadimg = images[rand].crop(quad)
mosaic.paste(quadimg, (b_w * num, b_h * row, b_w * num + b_w, b_h * row + b_h), quadimg)
mosaic = mosaic.resize((out_w, out_h))
gif = Image.new("RGB", (out_w * collage_w, out_h * collage_h), tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)))
temp = [x for x in finally_image_list]
temp[0].save('out.gif', save_all=True, append_images=
temp[1:],optimize=gif_optimisation, duration=gif_duration, loop=0)
# Get images
tmp_images = os.listdir('./img')
# Shuffle images in the list
tmp_images = sorted(tmp_images, key=lambda A: random.random())
# Save fixed count images
if len(tmp_images) >= use_src_images:
path_images = [tmp_images[x] for x in range(0, use_src_images)]
# Load images to buffer
for img in path_images:
images.append(Image.open(f"./img/{img}").resize((in_w, in_h)))
combimosaic = Image.new("RGB", (out_w * collage_w, out_h * collage_h), tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)))
if collage_w > 0 and collage_h > 0:
for c_row in range(0, collage_h):
for c_col in range(0, collage_w):
mosaic = Image.new("RGB", (in_w, in_h), tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)))
print(f"Source Images: " + ", ".join(path_images))
print("Method generation: VERTICAL")
print(f"In size image: {in_w}x{in_h}")
print(f"Out size image: {out_w}x{out_h}")
print(f"SET Block size: {b_w}x{b_h}")
b_w = getFixBoxSize(in_w, b_w)
b_h = getFixBoxSize(in_h, b_h)
print(f"FIX Block size: {b_w}x{b_h}")
# calculate how many parts need
cols, rows = (math.ceil(in_w / b_w),math.ceil(in_h / b_h))
print(f"ROWS: {rows}")
print(f"COLS: {cols}")
block_lines = [sorted([x2 for x2 in range(0,cols)], key=lambda A: random.random()) for x in range(0,rows)]
print(" M A T R I X")
print('\n'.join(str(x) for x in block_lines))
for row in range(0, rows):
for col in range(0, cols):
rand = random.randrange(0, len(images))
num = block_lines[row].pop(0)
quad = (b_w * num, b_h * row, b_w * num + b_w, b_h * row + b_h)
quadimg = images[rand].crop(quad)
mosaic.paste(quadimg, (b_w * num, b_h * row, b_w * num + b_w, b_h * row + b_h), quadimg)
fragment = mosaic.resize((out_w, out_h))
fragmentimg = fragment.crop((0,0,out_w,out_h))
combimosaic.paste(fragmentimg, (out_w * c_col, out_h * c_row, out_w * c_col + out_w, out_h * c_row + out_h))
mosaic = Image.new("RGB", (in_w, in_h), tuple(np.random.choice(range(256), size=3)))
print(f"Source Images: " + ", ".join(path_images))
print("Method generation: VERTICAL")
print(f"In size image: {in_w}x{in_h}")
print(f"Out size image: {out_w}x{out_h}")
print(f"SET Block size: {b_w}x{b_h}")
b_w = getFixBoxSize(in_w, b_w)
b_h = getFixBoxSize(in_h, b_h)
print(f"FIX Block size: {b_w}x{b_h}")
# calculate how many parts need
cols, rows = (math.ceil(in_w / b_w),math.ceil(in_h / b_h))
print(f"ROWS: {rows}")
print(f"COLS: {cols}")
block_lines = [sorted([x2 for x2 in range(0,cols)], key=lambda A: random.random()) for x in range(0,rows)]
print(" M A T R I X")
print('\n'.join(str(x) for x in block_lines))
for row in range(0, rows):
for col in range(0, cols):
rand = random.randrange(0, len(images))
num = block_lines[row].pop(0)
quad = (b_w * num, b_h * row, b_w * num + b_w, b_h * row + b_h)
quadimg = images[rand].crop(quad)
mosaic.paste(quadimg, (b_w * num, b_h * row, b_w * num + b_w, b_h * row + b_h), quadimg)
mosaic = mosaic.resize((out_w, out_h))
Теперь мы можем делать анимированные изображения лиц, статичные изображения лиц, а так же мозаики тех и других, при этом играясь с переменными размеров блоков.